Our mission is simply to help people in need, any way we can. We hope that by helping those in
need we show that our parish not only provides our spiritual needs but that we are a caring parish, always willing to help anyone to the best of our ability. Most our aid is financial, such as housing and other obligations. We also supply vouchers to purchase furniture, appliances, clothing, etc at reduced cost, at the SVDP Store on Main Street. We have given gift cards to purchase food or gasoline, when necessary. We also provide information for rides to medical appointments, how to contact Crisis Services, and direct people to the Eden North Collins food pantry.
We are always looking for new members. If interested call anyone of the above or come to a meeting.
We meet on the third Wednesday of each month after the 7pm mass, in the old parish center.
The St Vincent DePaul Society is a worldwide Catholic lay organization who's mission is spiritual growth by serving the poor, sick and forgotten as Jesus would. Low key and confidential, we focus on identifying with their suffering by meeting them where they live: becoming effective listeners to their plight, taking action to provide temporary material aid when needed, and, as appropriate, guide them to other resources that could better help them lead a decent and happy life. The Society has been active at St. Joseph's for many decades. We meet twice per month on Monday's and are financed by donations made independent from the parish. For more information, visit us at one of our meetings as announced in the weekly church bulletin.