Holy Name Society promotes reverence for the Sacred Name of God and Jesus Christ.
Primary Objectives of members is to lead a life that reflects Jesus love through outward acts, attending Mass, kindness, active support of Church, show love of God and loyalty to the flag of our country.
Activities: Catholic Men's Fellowship Conference (800 to 900 attend), Buffalo Bisons game, Pancake breakfast, Sing at the fence, turkey raffle, work around church and cemetery, prayer service for deceased members, participate in church fundraisers, fellowshipfor all on Holy Name Sundays (donuts and drinks) Meetings: 2nd Sunday of the month (September- June) after the 8:00am Mass first classroom on the right.
Contact: Russell Gullo at [email protected], 716-867-0977
The Holy Name Society helps its members grow in holiness through devotion to the most Holy Name of Jesus. The Holy Name Society is open to all men: lay, clergy, and religious over the age of 18.
The Holy Name Society meetings take place the last Monday of the month in the Holy Spirit School Building except in July and August. We have several fundraisers each year - a Chicken Dinner and a Lottery Number Drawing to name a few. We have supported the Parish in many ways such as a new sign and a Flag.
President: Norm Fisher [email protected].
Vice President: George Jablonski
Treasurer: Jerome Wittmeyer
Please click HERE to learn about the annual Holy Spirit Parish events sponsored by the Holy Name Society. Thank you.