To place someone on the prayer list, please complete and return a card available at the entrances of the church, or call the rectory. Individuals will remain on the list for 8 weeks unless the rectory is notified otherwise. If you have a loved one on our list and they pass away, please let the parish office know.
Vicky (Achtyl) Alessi, Lena Anzalone, Betty Boberg, Don Caccioppo, Cindy Casale, John Duggan, Karen Duggan, Otto Duggan, DeAnna Ebeck, David Emerling, Calvin Enser, Sharon Everman, Arthur Gernatt, Olivia Gullick, Elizabeth Hoffman, Bob Holbrook, Pastor Jim, Aaron Kaminski, Michelle Kelly, Cindy Kohn, Robert Kowal, Kathleen Marshall, Diane May, Rob McNeight, Steven Meyer, Millie Muehlbauer, Marty Niefergold, Chuck Pfeifer, Irene Pfeifer, Mary Richmond, Grant Rusiniak, Mairead Ryan, Emmalynn Schmitt, Danielle Stark, Lorraine Stark, Ed Stemper, Joan Thompson, Ed Urban, Janet Vant, Marilyn Winter, Kevin Woloszyn, James Zemla